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Kovar Systems

Kovar Systems Blog listing page


Dave Kovar

Posts By Dave Kovar :

Point to Ponder Martial Arts

The Ideal Performance State

Imagine if you were able to live your life at your best... all the time. How would your life be diff...

Point to Ponder

Who is the boss of YOU?

Chances are, at some point in your time as an martial arts instructor you have heard a child say "yo...

Student Retention

Create Positive Memories for Your Students

As a martial arts instructor, I interact daily with lots of people. I’m acutely aware that as a teac...

Point to Ponder

Reasons to be Grateful

I have so much to be grateful for: a wonderful wife, two great kids, excellent health, and a rewardi...

Staff Development Martial Arts

Martial Arts Training and Growing Older

I was at the gym doing my thing when a man came up to me and asked, “How did you do that?” “How do I...

Staff Development Instructor Tips

The Will and the Skill to Teach Martial Arts

To be a successful martial arts instructor in a highly competitive environment, you must have the wi...

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