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Kovar Systems
Student Acquisition Business Tips

Seasonal Marketing Tips for a Successful Year.

By Kovar Systems

There are natural marketing opportunities throughout the year for you to promote at your school.  No surprise, the best opportunities all typically revolve around holiday seasons or repeating annual events. 

A few top examples include (but aren’t limited to) New Year's resolutions, Valentine's Day, Halloween, beginning and end of the school year, Independence Day, etc.  So what do you do with that information? Step One. Take your calendar and flip through the rest of the year and into next year.  Note all the upcoming holidays and events to start asking yourself what you can do to promote sales and acquire new students around each of those holidays. More often than not, making a successful seasonal campaign is simply a matter of being prepared for it and promoting early.

Some good questions to ask are:

  • Does my community already celebrate this event (parade, gatherings at the park, etc)?
  • How can I get involved to promote my school?
  • What are some creative –yet classy ways to market during this event?
  • What resources will I need in advance for promoting, during and after the event?

Then take action.



Here's also how to help your martial arts school staff as they enter into the new year. Give the gift that will equip them with the tools to teach and learn from martial artists with years of knowledge and experience. The Instructor Toolbox is an extensive online video library with tons of drill ideas, points to ponder, tips on student/parent interaction and MORE. Purchase a subscription to a gift that will keep on giving throughout the whole year. Click here to find out more.

by Kovar Systems