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Kovar Systems

It has been my past experience that the really productive people are those who know how to put the most effort into every minute of their daily schedule. They are the ones who say, “Okay, I’ve got five minutes to spare here, what can I do?” instead of “Oh, I’ve only got five minutes, I guess I don’t have time to do anything...”

For you to gain more value in your day-to-day,  you need to analyze each moment and see how many of those extra 5-minute sessions you can comfortably fit into you day.  Twelve 5-minute sessions can then add up to one total hour of concentrated, valuable productivity!

So-- What can you do in just five minutes?

Well, for those of us that run a martial arts school, here is a list of ideas...

  • Make a DNS Call

  • Write three Awesome Cards

  • Have a discussion with a student/parent

  • Do an 8-Step Progress Check

  • Give a mini-lesson to a student

  • Freshen up the school bathroom

  • Dust or organize your retail area

  • Write down some drill ideas for the next day

  • Post a quick social media post or photo to your school page

  • Request a review or check-in

  • Get on the mat and do 100 push-ups 

…The list can go on and on, and on.

Within merely five minutes, you could easily recruit or take steps in recruiting a new student, better retain a current student and/or family, or improve the way your school is perceived on the day-to-day. Sometimes we take advantage of and forget how much can be accomplished in a short period of time.

Your challenge this week, should you decide to accept it, is to take your first 5-minute session and simply make a list of all the things you can do in the future 5-minute sessions. Then keep that list handy and use it to refer to and add to each day…Within the first couple of sessions you can watch your productivity already begin to soar!

Looking for something to do with one of your first 5-minute sessions?

Take time to view the products that Kovar Systems offers.  It only takes 5 minutes to make an appointment with our specialist where you will then receive a school analysis and see how we can get your school to the next level of success.

by Dave Kovar