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Kovar Systems
Student Retention Staff Development Point to Ponder Instructor Tips

Empower Parents to be Success Coaches

By Kovar Systems

As a martial arts instructor or school owner, you have the opportunity to empower and encourage students' parents to be their life success coaches. There are countless books for parenting available at any bookstore in the country. Although there are various styles of parenting out there, almost all of the experts would agree with the following guidelines and these are good messages to share with your families!

Inspire them to greatness. Constantly affirm them, believe in them and let them feel their potential. Never make them feel foolish for dreaming big. Be easily in awe. There is nothing more important, especially with young children, than to be impressed when they’ve done something well and are seeking your approval.

Constantly catch them “doing things right”. This will reinforce appropriate behavior.

Give them choices, not ultimatums. Whenever possible, make sure they have options to choose from. For example “Would you like to do your homework now or in twenty minutes after you’ve rested?"

You don't have to tell a parent how to be a parent, but you can lead by example as they watch you teach their child on the mat. Parents can coach and be coached too. If they see you doing these things and their child's positive response, they might just try it on their own at home--adding value, retention and staying power to the effectiveness of your school!

For more guidelines to lead your students to everyday success, check out our full Kovar System and make  make your free appointment today.

by Kovar Systems