Kovar Systems Blog

Be Calm. Be Confident. Final Action Step.

Written by Dave Kovar | Apr 2, 2020 4:00:00 PM

Join us this Friday, April 3rd at 8:00AM PT for our free webinar to help the industry. "Calm and Confident: Taking Action During Crisis Webinar," register now by clicking here.

These are certainly challenging times and there are a lot of things out of our control. What we can control is how we respond to the circumstances around us, and how we respond can certainly influence outcomes. In order to keep the industry thriving, we wanted to help our fellow school owners by sharing some knowledge to help keep all boats afloat right now.

With this in mind, we want to offer several MORE important actions you can take and focus on to keep your martial arts business moving in the right direction in these difficult times. Stay tuned for more updates and action items we will be posting to help you and your team.

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Now let's discuss the final action item...

Affirm that we WILL get through this. Take precautions. It’s smart to prepare for bad times. But with that said, affirm the best. Years ago, when we were going through an extremely rough situation, I wrote a note to myself that really helped get me through the Low times. It’s personal, but perhaps you will find it valuable, so I will share it with you now. You can use the words if you like them, or use the concept and write a note to yourself that you can call upon in low times.

I recite this every day and have for years...

  1. I am strong, calm, and committed.
  2. I will not be back in fear.
  3. Instead, I will move forward with confidence born of good thinking and hard work.
  4. I will not let occasional doubts change my focus.
  5. Be at work or play, I will strive to be in the present moment.
  6. Every day I will do my best and leave the rest to God and retire to my home worry free.
  7. These hard times WILL pass
  8. Life is good.

For the first blog post and three more action items, read "3 Action Items to Deal with the COVID-19 Crisis," "3 More Actions to Take During the COVID-19 Crisis," and "Calm and Confident: Taking Action Steps During the Crisis."

What is Kovar Systems?

Our mission is to enable school operators to improve all aspects of school operation. 

We provide integrity-based coaching and community resources to busy school owners that save you time and grow your business. You can count on Kovar Systems to deliver effective and affordable solutions that will help you attain unprecedented levels of success.