Kovar Systems Blog

The Gift of Service

Written by Kovar Systems | Nov 22, 2018 2:00:00 PM

Today is Thanksgiving in the US, a day to be grateful and appreciate both what and who we have in our lives. In the spirit of that, we want to say “thank you” to everyone within our community. We are so thankful to play a role in the martial arts community, and are grateful for the chance to serve you.

Several studies have demonstrated that one of the best ways to help change a depressed or sad mood is to do something kind for someone else.  It has been shown time and time again that people who volunteer at hospitals, children’s homes, or places where they can help others are happier, healthier and more productive.

As a business owner it is important that we not only focus on the profit of our company, but also on our community that allows us the ability to keep our doors open. Are we contributing and serving the people that make up our active student count? Are we aware of the needs of our surrounding communities in times of trouble or need?

It isn’t all about the money. Your community, and the people in it, are just as important. How can you best serve them today?

When people help support each other, the group as a whole grows and prospers. This week, give yourself and your community a gift:  give service.


For more points to ponder, click here to read some thoughtful blogs from Kovar Systems