Kovar Systems Blog

Be a Martial Artist First

Written by Dave Kovar | Aug 27, 2020 4:03:48 PM

Right now it's difficult to find time to just be a martial artist. Everyone is extremely focused on their business and maintaining their schools during the pandemic. However, we can't forget that continuing to train and practice martial arts is just as important for us as it is for our families and students!

Martial arts as we know it today has its roots in “bushido,” the code of the Samurai. The word “samurai” means “to serve” and the best Samurai did not take their position lightly. They held themselves to the highest standard in all aspects of their life.

Because they were warriors, they constantly honed their martial arts skill and fitness level, as these literally meant the difference between life and death. Perfect health was their goal, so they lived their life accordingly, constantly aware of how their environment and habits of consumption affected them.

Most importantly, the best Samurai lived a life of service – giving to their community and being a noble example of human potential. Commit yourself to living the life of a modern day Samurai.

Here are a few traditional Samurai phrases that are as relevant to today’s martial artist as they were the first time they were spoken:

Bushi-ni-nihon-nashi = “No two words“ or "Don't speak with forked tongue" – In modern times, we call this living with integrity.

Hou' shi Sei-shin = “Spirit of contribution” – Being service-minded.

Chou you de ari = “Moderation, variety and balance”

Gan batte kuda sai = “Always doing your best”

Focusing on your business and teaching martial arts to others should be at the top of the list, but don't  leave your own training out of the equation! Take time to be a martial artist.


Virtual Events Where You Can BE a Martial Artist!

Sep 12 - Skill Up: Nunchaku with Dave Kovar

Learn Nunchaku skills with Dave Kovar who has trained over 30 years in Kobudo directly under Shihan Nishiuchi, one of the highest ranking traditional weapons instructor in the United States. This online session covers striking, passing,= and throwing skills, as well as effective self-defense strategies.

Only 25 Spots Left! - Click Here to Register


Sep 26 - Instructor Boot Camp Online.

Limited to 20 spots. Whether you are a beginner instructor or a seasoned professional, this event is for you! Our team has been showing martial arts instructors how to improve their skills for nearly 25 years.

Click Here to Register