Kovar Systems Blog

Your Challenge: Find New Opportunities Each Day

Written by Dave Kovar | Nov 9, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Have you ever been shopping for a new car? Can you remember getting to the point when you had a certain make and model car in mind? Maybe even a specific color? When you do, did you notice that all of a sudden you started seeing that car everywhere?  Is it because there are suddenly more of them out there? Probably not. More likely, it’s that you unconsciously became more aware of them than you were before.

The same thing is true when you start looking for opportunities to talk up your martial arts school. Suddenly, right in front of your eyes, you’ll start seeing people who could benefit dramatically from training at your school. Can you imagine what would happen if you committed to talking to one of those people every day?

This week, starting now, I challenge you to give it a try.

You will probably still encounter a lot of "no's" but don’t despair! Most will appreciate your enthusiasm and the fact you were thinking of them. If you handle those interactions with the friendliness you show your students, you’re likely to leave a lasting impression that will direct those folks back to you whenever they’re ready to start their martial arts journey.


Did you know?  We have a FREE eBook about student retention available for you to download! "Rethinking New Student Acquisition." CLICK HERE to download now.