Kovar Systems Blog

Parent Communication Checklist

Written by Kovar Systems | Jan 16, 2020 2:01:00 PM

Aside from teaching great martial arts classes, communication with the student's parents or guardians is also a vital part of maintaining a great program.  However, there are different strategies for talking parents versus your students. Here is a checklists to help...

When Communicating with Parents of Your Students:

  • Whenever possible, give positive feedback to parents regarding their child’s progress (NOTHING makes a parent happier than hearing about how good their child is doing).
  • "Spread the wealth" as evenly as possible. (Talk to everyone.)
  • Never speak down to a parent.  In many cases, they are older and have more life experience than you.  They should always be treated with respect.
  • Know the parents; what their interests are; what groups they belong to.
  • Ask leading questions, such as “What benefits have you seen in your child?” or “How has Martial Arts helped your child?”
  • Use Praise/Correct/Praise structure with parents when discussing areas of concern about their child.

Remember, not only are parents a key connection to your students, but they also could one day become your students as well! Always treat everyone in your school with the upmost respect, good rapport, and with the intention that one day they too might start their own martial arts journey.

We also have our ebook “7 Reasons Why Students Quit” that discusses how student quits are actually preventable. This ebook is available for free download by clicking here.

Running the mat is a FULL-TIME job!

We know there is a great benefit to training and having a qualified Program Director for your school who can take charge in driving your academy in areas of growth, retention, sales, and communication while you do what you love: TEACH MARTIAL ARTS!

The Program Director Course is intended to train, improve, and certify your selected staff in this role. Seats are VERY limited and will go fast.