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The Satori Alliance

  May 4, 2017 5:58:32 PM

The Importance of Awesome Cards.

What is an Awesome Card? The Awesome Card is a handwritten, personal note of appreciation that you mail directly to a student you want to recognize. If there was something fantastic that you, the instructor, saw the student do in class, it should be mentioned. If there is a character trait you believe is positive and want to encourage, write about it. Anything you can share about the student that is motivating is worth sharing.  

And guess what? Students, while interested in receiving these cards, won't be the only ones who enjoy seeing them in the mail. The cards are also a good way to show the parent(s) that you are paying attention to their children when they come to your classes. You can even send a card directly to the parent(s). Parents go out of their way to make sure their children attend your class on time and ready, despite their own busy schedules. When parents get their own Awesome Cards, they love that you appreciate them and have acknowledged their efforts to bring their students to class.

Something to think about... How are you successfully communicating to your students and their families as they visit your school each day? Do you remind them how important they are to your school? Maybe it's time to start sending those Awesome Cards!


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